About Us
Our Ministries
As a church, we obtain our mission from Christ's commission to His Disciples as it is found in the Holy Scripture. We are a congregation full of the Holy Spirit, praising and worshiping God and knowing our salvation is secure through our belief in Jesus Christ. We are a praying congregation who thanks God for His blessings on us and who seek His strength to obtain healing, forgiveness of our sins, direction for our lives, and a peace and comfort in our hearts.
We are people called to Discipleship while being inspired by the Word of God and educated in the Christian faith and way of life. We are people hungry for the word of God in Bible studies overflowing attendance for all age groups. Our knowledge of God's word inspires us to take action in serving those in need as we become the hands and feet of Christ.
We are a congregation full of energetic, friendly people who want to interact and affect each other's life through Christian love. We are a growing congregation as our membership rises with families who have children and youth who need nurturing as they begin their life of Discipleship. We are an open and inviting church building that is alive on multiple days of the week, offering meaningful fellowship, worship, hospitality, and activities and programs.
We have many opportunities for our congregation to share their time, talents and money and we utilize their strengths to satisfy each ministry's identified objectives. We have people stepping forward to be trained and lead the many programs as leaders are needed. If you are wanting to get involved and lead a group or volunteer, we encourage you to fill our a membership form by clicking the "join now" button under any of our ministry opportunities we offer at the church. We encourage you to get to know your congregation, and what better way to do that than to join a ministry group.